Some thoughts from Pastor Karen for today

Good morning!

Americans value originality, don’t they? Being different—standing out from the crowd—is a good thing. At least, that's what we think.

Patent laws protect original ideas and inventions. Everyone prefers to own the name-brand, designer products rather than the no-name, less expensive house brands that claim to be the same quality as the original.

Anyone remember the old Coca-Cola commercial—“It’s the real thing”? Yep—we can tell the difference between Coke or Pepsi and the store brand “colas.” They just don’t taste the same.

But Christians are not called to be “originals.” We are called to be “imitators” of the “real thing”—our One and Only Redeemer and Lord, who dwells within us. The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:1 says, "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ." Does this mean Paul doesn’t value the individual and that he is advising that we not “be ourselves?” No, not at all! At other times, Paul tells us that we all have different spiritual gifts and all are equally important to the Body of Christ. Every member is necessary!

What Paul is telling us is that we should be who we are in Christ. That we should look to Christ as our model to be the best we can be and seek to live a life of righteousness and holiness, for His sake.

That doesn’t mean we have to be perfect. We are still human, after all! God loves us, though we are still sinners. He forgives us and gives us another chance every day, every time we seek His forgiveness.

When Paul says, “imitate me,” he doesn’t mean that he is perfect. He doesn’t pretend to be what he is not. He is open about his weaknesses and all the mistakes of the past, believing that God’s power is made evident when the Lord works through his weaknesses and even uses them to accomplish His loving purposes.

What Paul is saying to us is this, “Watch as I seek to follow the Lord with my life and learn from Him. And join me in seeking to follow Him and learn from Him, too.”

Friends, be who you are in Christ, today and always. Only then will you be the best you can be!

Be an original you! And live as God has called you to live—by imitating the One and only Son of God, Our Redeemer and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Will you pray with me?

Holy One, thank you for your mercy and grace that moved you to give up your Son for the sake of all the world, whom you love, despite our sin! Thank you for drawing us nearer to you with Your Word and Spirit and encouraging us to trust in the work of your Son on the cross for our righteousness. Thank you for your patience with us when we are distracted by a world that values “originality” rather than “imitation” of the only One who is perfect—the One and Only “real thing.” May your Spirit guide us in the way you want us to go and transform us into the image of Your Son. In His name we pray. Amen.

Blessings to you and your families!

Pastor Karen
