Some thoughts on grace and hope

Good Morning.

Christ United Presbyterian Church is struggling to define itself, its purpose, its mission. Our purpose first and foremost is the proclamation of the Gospel, and when we keep that in front of us the rest will follow. The other night at Gospel and Grub we talked about the cycle of suffering, endurance, character and hope. That put me in mind of one of my favorite poems from the Iona Community, The Dandelion Clock:

Hope is a dark elusive child
curled in the womb
cradled in our arms.

It can be lost, disappear,
blown on the wind
like a dandelion clock.
It’s going, it’s ebbing away
leaves us grieving,

BUT is a hopeful word.

But even as the gossamer powder puff disintegrates,
the seeds are carried to cling to distant crevices.
As it recedes it reseeds to grow again.

God, giver of peace,
grow hope within and around us.
God of steadfast love,
never leave us hopeless.

God's grace puts us places that we don't really want to be, and God's grace brings us to places that we never thought that we could be. We can't predict the future, but if we keep the Lord's charge to us in front of us leading us forward then we know that wherever we wind up is where the Lord has brought us. And it may be someplace that we never imagined possible.

Pastor Jim
