Pastor Karen's Meditation for May 3

Here's Pastor Karen's meditation for Saturday, May 3.  You can view the text or you can click on the link and hear her reading it.

Greetings, friends!

Do you ever feel like you need a GPS for life? You know, a voice to say to you, “recalculating,” and tell you the right way to go after you make a wrong turn –or when you face a difficult and confusing situation.

Well, if you are a follower of Christ, then you have something better. You have the Spirit of God living inside of you, empowering you, protecting you, and leading you on. The Spirit never says, “recalculating” in that terrible monotone. The Spirit says, “I love you. I forgive you. Come with me. I will lead you home.”

How do you know when you are going the right way and doing what the Spirit wants you to do? The answer is that we don’t always know going forward, in the present. We often only know looking back! That’s where our faith comes in. We pray and trust that God IS with us, leading us in His Will—taking us the right way. We rely on the peace of Christ that we usually have when we are walking in His Will.

Listen to God’s reassuring Word for us today. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”

If we trust Him, we will turn to Him in prayer. In faith, we “acknowledge Him”—we give Him our thanks and praise for what He is doing in our lives, even when we don’t know what it is—not yet, at least! And if we allow Him to “direct our paths” then we are allowing His Spirit to guide us along the right way—His way!

So no matter how busy you are with your job, farm, business, school, home, friends or family, remember to set aside time each day to meditate on His Word—even two verses, like we did today. Ask yourself, “How is this scripture speaking to me today? How could it apply to my life?” The same scripture can “speak” a different message to us depending on what we are going through and what the Spirit wants us to learn.

And be sure to practice trusting in Him with ALL your heart, and to seek and “acknowledge” Him in prayer.

Every day, seek His will for you. Ask Him to guide you. Then ask for his help to obey. What is the reward for obedience? For trusting in Him with ALL our hearts and praying every day?

He will direct our paths—guide us along the right way—His way!

Let us pray.

Holy, Living Lord, we give you thanks and praise! We pray your Spirit would continue to dwell within us and guide us each day, especially when we are tempted to be anxious or afraid. Comfort and heal those who are mourning the loss of loved ones and those who are struggling with illness or pain. Make your presence known to us when we begin to doubt and rely too much on our own “understanding” and knowledge. Help us to live as people who trust in you with ALL our hearts, ALL the time. Draw us closer to your heart and teach us to love. Lead us to continually pray and give you thanks in all situations. In Christ we pray. Amen.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Karen
