A Meditation for April 17, 2013

Good Morning.  Wherever life responds with compassion, we see the power of resurrection.  We must thank God for the ways in which the people of Boston have responded in the face of such tragedy even as we continue to pray for the comfort of those who must mourn.

In today’s Gospel reading Jesus says: “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God … for I was sent for this purpose.”  Jesus came that everyone might hear and see the news of the God’s kingdom, perhaps better translated as “God’s rule.”  He came to bring the news that everyone – rich or poor, powerless or powerful, sick or healthy – was welcome to join Him in living our lives in a place where God’s rule was supreme.  It begins when we ourselves welcome God’s rule into our hearts as the first rule of our lives.  Like Jesus, we can then live under God’s rule and share God’s rule – God’s kingdom – with all the world.  That’s the first fruit of faith:  knowing in all confidence that we have been freed to live here and now under the rule of God and responding with gratitude, love and courage. 

The epistle reading today says: “God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.”  This is no mere intellectual exercise.  Intellectually we “believe” in a lot of things that never really touch our lives.  To believe in Jesus is not an intellectual exercise.  To believe in Jesus is to have Jesus within us.  To believe in Jesus means that we have allowed Jesus to change our lives.  What be  believe and how we behave are inseparable. 

In Matthew, Mark and Luke we read the same things that Moses said in Deuteronomy: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself. [Luke 10.27]”  Heart, soul, strength, mind:  do you get it?  Faith and the way in which we live our lives cannot be separate things.  The way we live is the confirmation of our faith.  And the way in which Jesus lived is the pattern of life that God invites us to follow.  There lies the rule of God.  There is the way into the Kingdom.  The door is open, but it takes a faith that encompasses my heart, my soul, my physical strength and my mind in order to have the confident courage accept God’s rule in my life and to walk into God’s kingdom today.

Let us pray:  Lord God, bring comfort and courage to us all.  Let us know that life with Christ in us is offered to us right now, today.  And that as we allow Christ to overtake the influences of the world in our lives we step closer and closer into the life You have always wanted for us.  Let us feel Jesus as our brother in suffering as well as in joy as we work to spread Your rule throughout the world and await with ever growing anticipation His return in final triumph and glory.  It is in His name that we pray.  Amen.

Today’s readings are Daniel 5:1-12; 1 John 5:1-12; Luke 4:38-44; Psalm 38 and 119:25-48.


Pastor Jim
