Pastor Karen's post for Friday, January 11

Good afternoon!

During joys and concerns in church last Sunday, my friend Pat announced that he was joyful that I was open to trying something new.

I had just shared a message that God might have our church do some things this year that we do not yet know how to do and God may want me to do some things I do not yet know how to do as a pastor.

Pat said he was joyful because he wanted me to go with his family ice fishing—something I have never done before. He assured me that I would have an experience that I would not forget—and I could say that I walked on water, like Jesus!

Well, I wasn’t thinking about ice fishing when I shared my message, and I haven’t found the time to learn how to ice fish, yet. But I am open to it!

And while there are several variations of the Jesus walking on water event in the Bible, I am pretty sure the biblical accounts do not include waiting for the water to freeze first!

In our reading today, in John 6:15-27, the account doesn’t include Peter calling out to Jesus and trying to walk on water, too, but then sinking as he loses the faith that he will be able to do it, with Christ’s help.

In John, the message is also about having faith, but faith that leads us to seek Christ and the heavenly kingdom to come--and not because we want the things of this world to be given to us. Christ urges us to seek Him because we want what the Lord offers in His mercy and grace—forgiveness for our sins and eternal life with God. This is a treasure that will not perish with time.

Jesus tells the people who want to make him an earthly king so he will keep on feeding them miraculously with a few loaves and fishes:

“‘Very truly, I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves. Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For it is on him that God the Father has set his seal.’”

Friends, trust in Christ not just to provide for you in this world and to hear your cries for help today, but also to nourish you to eternal life with Him. This world is just a blink of an eye in our lives of eternity—a free gift for all who believe.

Let us ask the Lord together to strengthen our faith.

Heavenly Father, we know you desire for all to come to you and for all to be saved, yet we are timid about sharing our faith. We may even struggle with doubts, from time to time. But your Word tells us that you loved the world so much that you gave your only Son, Jesus Christ, so that those who believe on Him would not perish and would have everlasting life. Give us a heavenly vision today so we can rise above the stress and anxiety in our lives. Remove our doubts and fears. Assure us of your living presence with us now and your tender care of our loved ones, especially those who are suffering and in need of your healing touch. Build our faith so that we trust in You and do not despair when medical professionals don’t have all the answers or when people simply let us down and aren’t there for us when we need their love and support. Forgive us when we have lacked faith and forgotten the value of your free merciful gift to this hurting world. Give us courage and compassion to reach out to those who haven’t yet received this gift. In Christ we pray. Amen.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Karen
