Pastor Karen's Meditation for January 4

Here is Pastor Karen's devotion for today:

Good morning!

My friend Alice called this morning and we began the conversation by talking about the weather, of course. This is Minnesota! She said the sun was shining brightly and that always lifted her spirits and made her feel a little bit more “ambitious.”

I agreed. When the sun is shining, we feel better. More energetic. Ready to take on the world! I think God has made us this way in that we find strength in the beauty of nature and also that we are curious about the world around us—how it all “works.”

Moses was curious about the natural world, too, we discover in Exodus 3:1-12. He spent a lot of time in the outdoors as a shepherd for his father-in-law Jethro. One day he led his flock:

“beyond the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of a bush; he looked, and the bush was blazing, yet it was not consumed. Then Moses said, ‘I must turn aside and look at this great sight, and see why the bush is not burned up.’”

Isn’t it fascinating how God got Moses’ attention by appearing as a flame of fire in a bush that was not consumed?

My prayer for you, today, my friends, is that the Lord will draw your eyes to His glory through “a great sight” in His creation. How blue the sky is today! Not a cloud in sight! How the snow sparkles in the sunlight! How the snow drifts in the wind looking like white sand dunes. How the cold prickles and tickles the skin of your face and your breath escapes like puffs of smoke from a burning bush.

If you are someone who feels a little sad after Christmas, I encourage you to bundle up and walk outside in God’s creation—or at least look out your window and seek the One who can lift you out of your sadness. May the Spirit speak to your heart, reassuring you that the Light that came to us so long ago on Christmas morn is still with us! And will be, forevermore.

Let us pray!

Creator God, you are awesome and wonderful! Spark a fire inside of us that burns with love for you and your Kingdom and stirs us to reach out to those who don’t know you. Rekindle our Spirits so we are full of holy energy—in tune with your Will and ready to obey. Awaken in us your joy and an appreciation for the beauty of Your Creation. Open our eyes to Your living presence and speak to us of your everlasting love and forgiveness through Your Son. In Christ we pray. Amen.

Blessings in Christ!

Pastor Karen
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