Meditation for January 2

Good Morning and Happy New Year.

Our lesson for today in Hebrews starts out this way:  “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Indeed, by faith our ancestors received approval. By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible.”

A great many “people of faith” aren’t satisfied with this definition.  So many people are convinced that they KNOW with intellectual certainty every bit of God’s plan that they believe that they should dictate how the rest of us understand our faith in God.  They want to dictate every aspect of human behavior even though the revelation of scripture doesn’t anticipate a great many things about our life today. 

What scriptural revelation does reveal to us is the nature of the human condition, the desire of the Lord to love us, and the historical difficulty that humanity has had in being faithful in our response to God’s love.  The scriptural definition of “faith” allows for doubt and questions.  The scriptural definition of faith challenges us to find our way in this world in a way that is faithfully responsive to the prodigious love of God.  Sometimes that “way” is clear to more than one person.  Christians belong in fellowship with one another, supporting one another and building up the faith of one another.   Sometimes only you can see that “way.”  The test of your faithfulness is not whether I agree with you; it’s how you and the Lord have wrestled with it in prayer.  It also can help to seek out the counsel of others within the fellowship, but in the end some decisions come down to only you and the Lord. 

That can be a little intimidating.  Okay.  It can be very intimidating.  Millions of people would choose to have someone else take responsibility for their “faith” and tell them exactly how to behave.  But in the end it comes down to you and your relationship with the Lord.  If you’ve done nothing to nourish your relationship with the Lord – if prayer is not part of your daily response to God’s love – then in a crisis it may be very difficult, frightening, to turn to the Lord for counsel.

The best news, the most assuring news that is known to those who have developed that daily response to God’s love, is that if you get it wrong then God still loves you and still wants to help you find your way.  Lot’s of people turn to God in a crisis, but only those who seek to responds to God’s love as a habit of their life understand that if they get it wrong then the Lord will help you get up and start you back on the right path. 

Faith is rooted in the assurance that God loves you, and God will keep the promises revealed to us in Scripture.  The rest is up to you.

Prayer:  Almighty and merciful God, creator of all that is, help us to seek you throughout our lives.  Through the ups and downs, the peaks and the valleys encourage us to share our lives, our joys, our doubts and our questions with you in our prayers.  Remind us that You are beyond our comprehension, and that Your desire is to love us and share Your joy with us as we struggle to bring Your will into the reality of this day.  Remind us that You are greater than our doubts and questions.  Remind us that if we recognize You with the awe appropriate to our place in creation then we will be filled with doubts and questions.  The only certainty is Your love.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

Today’s readings are Genesis 12:1-7; Hebrews 11:1-12; John 16:35-42,48-51;
Psalm 33 & 34.

Pastor Jim
