Pastor Karen's Meditation for Tuesday, Dec. 18

Good morning!

You know that old saying, “It is darkest before the dawn?”

As we draw nearer to our celebration of our Lord’s birth, we are also drawing closer to the Longest Night of the year. Am I imagining it, but does it seem like the mornings are darker and gloomier than even a few weeks ago?

Our reading today (Luke 22:54-69) is about as dark as they get. Jesus has been arrested and will be roughly interrogated in the high priest’s home. Peter, who professed undying love and devotion to Christ, is now “following at a distance.” A fire burns in the middle of the courtyard and Peter gathers with a few others to warm himself.

A servant girl sees Peter, stares, and recognizes him as one of Jesus’ companions.

“This man was also with him,” she says.

Peter denies it. He lies to protect himself. “Woman, I do not know him.”

A little later, another person recognizes him as being “one of them.”

Peter replies, “Man, I am not!”

An hour passes, and someone else insists, “Surely this man also was with him; for he is a Galilean.”

And Peter responds, “Man, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

The cock crows. And Peter remembers what his Lord had said to him. How he would deny Christ 3 times before the cock crowed.

Peter weeps bitterly.

After Jesus is resurrected from the dead, He appears to Peter—a Greek word (petra) meaning “rock” –and tells him that he is forgiven. He is loved. And that he will be used for God’s kingdom work. “Upon this rock, Peter,” Christ says, “I will build my church.”

Sometimes the world seems very dark to us, my friends. But we do not walk in darkness anymore. The Light has come to us —and we are all forgiven of our sins. Don’t let the past haunt you or hold you back from building the Lord’s church today. God will help you be the person He wants you to be! You will be surprised at the transformation!

The Light of the World shines brightly, cutting through the darkness. It shines within us!

As you meet people today, hug them and tell them of God’s love for them in Jesus Christ. Be Christ’s peaceful, comforting presence where there is conflict or sadness, anger or despair.

Let your light so shine in all the dark places of our community and world.

The dawn has come!

Will you pray with me?

Holy God, we praise you for the Light you have sent to shine in the darkness. Please forgive us when we have not opened our eyes to see the dawn, when we get stuck in the gloom of the past and forget that today isn’t yesterday. This is a new day. And we are new creations in Christ. We are Your children, walking by faith—already living in Your kingdom! Our eyes are on the skies and the future—when Your Son comes to us in glory to reign over a new heaven and a new earth. Thank you for your love and for blessing us with families and friends who love us and encourage us to be the loving, gracious people You call and equip us to be. In Christ we pray. Amen.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Karen
