Pastor Karen's Meditation for Decemberr 27

Good morning!

“Very truly, I tell you, whoever receives one whom I send receives me; and whoever receives me receives him who sent me.’”

Jesus says this to His disciples in John 13:20-35, our gospel reading today. He is preparing them for the future—when He is no longer with them in the flesh. And they have to carry the Gospel to a broken world.

Immediately after Jesus says this, he is “troubled in spirit.” One of His disciples is about to betray Him. The one who will betray Him is the one to whom Jesus will give a piece of bread that He has “dipped in the dish.”

Jesus dips it and gives it to Judas, son of Simon Iscariot.

After Judas receives the bread, something supernatural happens:

“Satan enters into him. And Jesus says to him, ‘Do quickly what you are going to do.’”

The others gathered with Jesus do not know what He is talking about. They think maybe because Judas handles the common purse, He is talking about buying something needed for the festival (Passover) or that Judas should give something to the poor.

We know that Jesus does not mean either of these things.

After receiving the bread, “Judas immediately goes out. And it is night.”

This passage reveals how Jesus was well aware that one among him would betray him—and which one it would be. And Jesus, in giving the piece of bread and Satan entering Judas at that moment, seems to have allowed this to happen. Since everything Christ did was to glorify the Father, then He must have understood that this evil deed was God’s Will.

But why did God allow this evil thing to happen to His one and only Son?

Because of love for human beings. This was God’s way of ultimately bringing salvation to those who were perishing in their sins—all the world.

In this same passage about Judas’s imminent betrayal, Jesus instructs us how to live with one another---and how the world will know that we belong to Him.

Jesus says:

“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.’”

Was it the betrayal that “troubled” Jesus? Was He thinking about the pain that he and all those who loved Him would experience through His death on the cross? We can’t know for sure.

But we do know that a perfect sacrifice had to be made. And only God could provide that perfect sacrifice, since all human beings are sinful. So God allowed Satan to lead Judas Iscariot to do an evil thing, in order to bring about something beautiful and wonderful for all who would believe on Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us on the cross.

Yes, there is great evil in this world. But God can and will still bring about something beautiful and wonderful for human beings.

God is still in control, no matter what seems to be out of control in your life and in this world. We have nothing to fear if we place our hope on Him and live out the greatest commandment—loving one another, as Jesus tells us to do.

My prayer for you is that the joy and hope of the birth of our Savior will fill your heart and guide your footsteps today and always. Don’t let go of Christ’s peace after the “holidays” have ended.

Walk in love!

God’s grace and mercy for human beings will never end! He loves with an everlasting love. A love demonstrated to us in the gift of His Son, who humbly laid down His life so others would live eternally with Him.

Will you pray with me?

Holy God, thank you for being in control when it seems like everything is going wrong and when we feel frightened or confused. Thank you for loving us despite what we do or fail to do. Thank you for your everlasting mercy and grace for those who believe and hope on Your Son, Jesus Christ. We look forward to His return to gather His church, and until then, we will continue to seek to obey Your will. Please help us to be more like Jesus, to love one another and be known by our love for one another. Lead us to glorify you through our words and deeds. Forgive us when we have grumbled and complained about things that don’t matter or given in to fear when evil surrounds us. Let our lives be a continual thank offering to You! In Christ we pray. Amen.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Karen
