Pastor Karen's Meditation for December 17

-->Good afternoon!

With all that is sad and terrible in this world, we are hungry for reassurance that the “faith as precious as ours” and the “precious and very great promises” of God are still ours.

Jesus Christ offers to everyone His “precious” gifts, given to us because our Lord loves us. Peter in 2 Peter 1:1-11 tells us about these “precious” things.

Do you feel inadequate? That you aren’t “good enough” or “strong” enough to be a Christian? Is your joy less than full?

I have good news for you!

Every one of us has all we need. Peter tells us we have all we need for “life and godliness” and that “grace and peace” are ours in “abundance”—and not because we are smart or strong or good. We have all we need because we have “knowledge” of Jesus Christ—“Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.”

This faith “knowledge” is “precious”! This “knowledge” contains “divine power.”

This divine power dwells within us and will enable us to be in this world—but not “of” it. So we see the evil. We feel the pain of the evil. And we mourn the destruction that evil brings. But the evil cannot corrupt our souls.

God has made us through Christ “participants in the divine nature.” We are partners with the Lord in this righteous kingdom building project that is happening all around us and in us.

So don’t let the evil things of this world distract you, my sisters and brothers, from the beautiful light and power of Christ—God with us. Our Emmanuel.

Don’t be overwhelmed by the darkness. Don’t be afraid.

Death is only the beginning! Our “end” is all eternity with our loving Heavenly Father. So keep your eyes of faith focused on what we cannot yet see, but will someday soon.

For our Lord Jesus has overcome death with His own death on the cross. He is alive now! Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus!

And He’s coming back for His church!

Be assured that “precious and very great promises” are yours today. Just reach out with heart, mind, and soul and accept God’s greatest gift. Abundant and eternal life through His Son.

Will you pray with me?

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that reminds us of your “precious and very great promises.” Thank you for your Spirit that never leaves or forsakes us! Thank you for your loving presence that reassures us, when we are afraid of the darkness that threatens us, that Jesus is our Light. He is all we need! We can do all things through Him who strengthens us! We have nothing to fear. Build up our faith. Fill us with your joy. Draw us ever nearer to You and one another as the Great Day approaches—the Day when Christ returns for His flock with the sound of a trumpet. In our Redeemer’s name we pray. Amen.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Karen
