Meditation for December 22

Good Morning! 

I have been away from this discipline for too many days.  I gave myself the excuse that I had too many things distracting my mind because I was doing full time ministry again.  Now there’s a study in self-contradiction.  It’s when we are attempting to help people know the presence of the Lord and worship God that we most need to stop and reflect on God’s words, silently and apart.  We can lead people to God only if we remain mindful of the destination and the road map.  It is when we are busiest that we must stop and look on the words God’s messengers have left us and share our burdens with the Lord.

In Psalm 139 we read:

“For it was you who formed my inward parts;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
that I know very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.”

We spend time debating the merits of being “purpose-driven.”  You can’t read the words of this Psalm and not understand that God has something in mind for all of us.  Not only that but as God’s purposeful creations we are indeed “fearfully and wonderfully made.”  The modern mind doesn’t like to grasp the notion of awe.  When we think of “fear” we think either of fictional creatures manufactured to give us a thrill (like “Freddy Kruger”) or of the political reality of what we call “terrorism.”  Either way it’s not something that we would call “wonderful.”

We struggle for words to understand God, to understand Christmas, to understand Holy Friday, to understand Easter morn.  If you think that you know exactly what those things mean, you are wrong.  No human mind can absorb who God is or – more to the point – what God has done to and for us.  God’s power is beyond anything that we can even imagine, and God’s love goes far beyond what our hearts can conceive.  If you can begin to imagine God’s power, then fear will enter your mind.  If you can begin to imagine God’s love, then you will come to see it as wonderful – that is, delightful, brilliant, perfect. 

There comes a time when all of us who worship the God of Abraham and Isaac and Elijah and John and Jesus must take a step back from the social, economic and political events of our lives and say that we believe in, we have faith in, we trust in a God that is beyond our comprehension.  A God who made us to receive God’s love and respond to it.

Last night I told Karen that I haven’t always been the person that my parents would have been proud of.  I’ve screwed up a lot of times.  And Karen reminded me that no matter what, my parents would never have stopped loving me.  And that’s why I still strive to be the person that they would be proud of.  They have both been dead for too many years, but Karen is alive.  Because of her living love for me I want to do everything that I can to love her, as she deserves to be loved. 

When you start to conceive of the “fearful and wonderful” love that God has given to us, a love that still lives for us every day, then you will want not only to make God “proud” of you, you will want to return that love as fully as you can.  You will know when you stumble and fall into the pits and snares that this world wants us to fall into that God still – constantly and consistently – loves you, and the way out of those deep and dark places is to look up at the Lord and start once again to return God’s love.  And when we return God’s love, the world around us is changed because to return God’s love is a public thing that changes the way we perceive this world.

Let us pray:  Almighty God, You created us for Your purposes. ““For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”  We each have different lives to live; different gifts to share; different burdens to carry.  Yet we know that if we begin by returning Your love, everything that You created us for will fill our lives.  If we allow our love for You to define our lives, then we shall find what we have been created to fulfill.  Lead us into the light of Your way and fill us with the strength and courage that can only come from Your Spirit.  We pray in the name of Him Who brought us the proof of Your love, our Lord Jesus.  Amen.

Today’s readings are Isaiah 10:20-27; Jude 17-25; Luke 3:1-9; Psalm 55, 138, 139:1-23.

Pastor Jim
