Pastor Karen's Meditation for November 2

Here is Pastor Karen's devotion today:

Good morning!

Are you someone who remembers your dreams after you wake up? Sometimes I do, but many times, I don’t. I can tell by my peace or the lack of it when I wake up if I have had a bad dream or not.

Joseph was someone who could recall his dreams vividly. And his older half brothers ridiculed him, calling him “Dreamer!”

Joseph’s dreams were divine messages. The dreams and the interpretation of the dreams of others were a gift from God.

But most dreams we have when we are sleeping are just dreams. That’s what the writer of Ecclesiasticus tells us in chapter 34:1-8 and 18-22—our reading today. And other dreams—such as dreams of power, fame, riches, glory, and so on – these are dreams that are simply “vain and false hopes.”

In ancient times in the Near East people were very superstitious about dreams. They thought all were messages of some sort from a spirit world or God, if they believed in one God. People actually made a living at “interpreting” the dreams of others—telling them what they wanted or expected to hear, I suppose.

Ecclesiasticus says:

“The senseless have vain and false hopes,
and dreams give wings to fools.
As one who catches at a shadow and pursues the wind,
so is anyone who believes in dreams.
What is seen in dreams is but a reflection,
the likeness of a face looking at itself.
From an unclean thing what can be clean?
And from something false what can be true?
Divinations and omens and dreams are unreal,
and like a woman in labor, the mind has fantasies.”

Ecclesiasticus does make exception to those dreams that are, in fact, communication from God. Some dreams are divine. But most of the time, dreams can be “deceptive.” The writer advises:

“Unless they are sent by intervention from the Most High,
pay no attention to them.
For dreams have deceived many,
and those who put their hope in them have perished.
Without such deceptions the law will be fulfilled,
and wisdom is complete in the mouth of the faithful.”

Don’t put your trust or security in dreams, he warns. Seek, instead, the wisdom, strength, and guidance of the Lord:

“To whom does he look? And who is his support?
The eyes of the Lord are on those who love him,
a mighty shield and strong support,
a shelter from scorching wind and a shade from noonday sun,
a guard against stumbling and a help against falling.
He lifts up the soul and makes the eyes sparkle;
he gives health and life and blessing.”

Remember today, my friends, the Lord who “lifts up the soul and makes the eyes sparkle.” The one who “gives health and life and blessing.”

And don’t worry about it if you can’t remember your dreams. It is probably better not to try!

The Spirit will speak to you lovingly and clearly when you are wide awake. There will be no doubt in your mind when God speaks to you of His will for your life. It won’t be an audible voice that your ear will hear, but you will know it when you hear Him speak to your heart---calling you by name.

Will you pray with me?

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us your word and Your Son, Jesus Christ, who told us “My sheep hear my voice.” Thank you that we are His sheep and that our shepherd loved us so much that he was willing to give up his life for our sakes. We pray for happy, restful, peaceful sleep for your children, Lord. Wipe away all fears and anxiety from our minds when we lie down at night. Assure us that you hold the future in your hands—and that a bad dream is simply that—a bad dream. We can always count on your love for us in Jesus Christ and seek refuge from our nightmares and fears in your embrace. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen!

Blessings in Christ!

Pastor Karen
