A Thought for Monday, November 26

Good Afternoon.  I love words:  the ability to express the mind, the heart and the soul with just the right word, phrase or expression is a gift that I lack but admire greatly when I come upon it. 

Today I encountered a poet named Julia Esquivel, a Central American whose words and thoughts have made her persona non grata in some countries.  Here is just one example of her soul:

by Julia Esquivel
You illuminate our darkness
And fill our sadness
With hope.

Because you are stronger than I,
I have let myself be a captive,
And your love burns in my heart.

The thirst for your truth
Has made me a pilgrim
From city to city
Until the day your Word
Is fulfilled,
And we are reborn
In your image and likeness

Captivate me, Lord
Till the last of my days,
Wring out my heart
With your hands,
Of a wise old Indian,
So that I will not forget
Your Justice
Nor cease proclaiming
The urgent need
For humankind
To live in harmony.

"Wring out my heart with your hands."  I pray that each of you would seek the same as you search for the Lord's path for you in this world.

Pastor Jim
