Meditation for Wednesday, October 17

Good Morning.

In today’s Gospel lesson we read: “Wherever they do not welcome you, as you are leaving that town shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.”  Jesus was preparing His disciples to go out into the world and carry His message.  He knew that they wouldn’t be made welcome everywhere they went, so He advised them to do what they could and if it seemed like they were getting nowhere, then shake it off and move on. 

Sometimes we jump to conclusions about the reception that the Gospel is receiving.  Sometimes we are too quick to justify ourselves by invoking that line about “dust off your feet.”  If you had never heard the Gospel message, the first time that you heard the message it might sound a little strange to you.  It might sound backward.  It might sound totally lacking in common sense.  The message of Christ’s Gospel is counterintuitive.  So if you are trying to get people to hear it for the first time or perhaps understand it even if they had heard it many times then you must show your own faith in that Gospel through persistence, patience, and example.  

Perhaps the issue is whether or not we – as Christians – have fully absorbed just how strange the Gospel is.  As Paul said: “but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling-block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles. [I Cor. 1:23]”  The message we preach is a “stumbling block” and is seen as “foolishness.”  Think about that. 

The reality of evangelism is that the evangelist may never see the Gospel change people’s lives, but the Spirit may nonetheless be at work within them.  As Jesus reminded the disciples: “One sows and another reaps. [John 4:37]”   So if you are going to take on the task of preaching the Gospel do not expect to see the result immediately – although it is certainly gratifying when that happens.  It is not your effort or mine that produces the harvest:  it is the work of the Spirit changing people’s hearts.  Don’t be too quick to make the decision that the time has come to “dust off your feet.”  Do what you can and give the Spirit time and room to work.

Prayer:  Lord God, the enormity of Your generosity, Your love, Your grace for us is beyond human comprehension.  Let us never forget all that You have done for us; all that You have given us;  all that it has cost You!  Sustain us that we would be as patient with one another as You are with us.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

Today’s readings are Jonah 1:17-2:10; Acts 27:9-26; Luke 9:1-17; Psalm 119:1-24 and Psalm 12, 13 & 14.

Pastor Jim
