Meditation for October 5

Here is Pastor Karen's devotion today:

Good morning!

The Apostle Paul is in the thick of things, again, in today’s reading in Acts. Just showing up in Jerusalem, he stirs a riot. People recognize him and recall that he has been turning people away from the ancient Jewish faith, teaching them what he calls the Way.

But Paul is ready for this. He has a testimony to share. He asks to speak to the commander of the Roman troops as they bring him bound in chains into the barracks in Jerusalem for questioning.

He tells of his conversion on the road to Damascus. When he was a severe persecuter of Christians, when he was “Saul” and not yet “Paul.”

Around noon that day on the road, Jesus appeared to him in a blinding light. Saul fell to the ground and heard a voice saying, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”

And Saul answered, “Who are you, Lord?”

Then the voice said to him, “I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you are persecuting.”

Now those who were with Saul saw the light but did not hear the voice of the one who was speaking to him.

Saul asked, “What am I to do, Lord?”

And the Lord said, “Get up and go to Damascus; there you will be told everything that has been assigned to you to do.”

Saul could not see because of the brightness of that light, so those who were with him took his hand and led him to Damascus, where he would learn what the Lord had planned for him—and he would be made ready for his ministry and his new identity—Paul, the apostle for the Lord.

Everyone who is a Christian has a testimony—a story of what the Lord has done in their lives and how Christ is leading them to follow Him. It probably won’t be a dramatic story like Paul’s with a blinding light and a dramatic conversion. But if you look back and consider some of the decisions you have had to make along this journey of faith—and if you look back on some of the things that happened to you and your family—you can surely see God’s workmanship in your life.

Have you had sorrow? Then you will remember how the Lord carried you through sad times when you did not think you could bear the grief.

Have you had pain or sickness or a loved one close to you with pain or sickness? Then you will have seen how the Lord used suffering to strengthen that person’s faith—or your faith—and to do His Will.

Have you gone through anxious times? Then you may have seen God’s faithfulness to use all things---good and bad—to accomplish His loving plan for salvation.

If you still aren’t certain you have a testimony to share, then seek the Lord and ask Him what He is doing in your life—and what His plans are for you.

Let us seek the Lord together.

Holy God, we learn of Paul’s testimony, his dramatic experience with Your Son on the road to Damascus, and we may recall the times when you have stopped us from doing something that would have hurt you and those who seek to follow Christ. Reveal to us your work in our lives and the story you want us to tell when we are called on to witness to our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Equip us with the vision for the Kingdom so we can see beyond the routine of our daily lives and the to-do list that isn’t as important as we think it is. Open our eyes to the goodness of the Lord who never stops loving and forgiving us whenever we stumble on our journey of faith and fail to do the one thing you call us to do—tell all the world that You love them. Thank you for your salvation in Jesus Christ and for the promise of eternal life with You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Today’s readings are Hosea 10:1-15; Acts 21:37-22:16; Luke 6:12-26; and Psalm 102.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Karen
