Meditation for October 26

Good Morning.

Are you busy today?  Why?  I don’t mean to say that being busy is wrong, I just wonder if you ever ask yourself “Why am I so busy?”

The reading in Ecclesiasticus this morning says :

My child, do not busy yourself with many matters;
   if you multiply activities, you will not be held blameless.
If you pursue, you will not overtake,
   and by fleeing you will not escape.
There are those who work and struggle and hurry,
   but are so much the more in want.

This wonderful little book of wisdom is reflected in today’s Gospel reading as well.  The story in the Gospel is of Jesus visiting the home of May and Martha.  Perhaps you remember the story.  Even with Jesus in her home, Martha was kept busy with housework.  In fact, the Gospel says she was distracted with her chores.  She hadn’t the time to think about Jesus’ presence in her home. 

Her sister Mary, on the other hand, sat down at Jesus’ feet and listened to His conversations and teachings.  Eventually Martha got doubly frustrated by all she felt she had to do and the fact that Mary was doing nothing.  Martha complained to Jesus about the fact that Mary was shirking her duty.  In fact, Martha wanted Jesus to tell Mary to get to work. 

I can see the smile on Jesus’ face as he gently tried to tell her that Mary was doing the only thing that really mattered. 

How often do we fall into that same trap?  We feel that if we fill the time with some chore or task, that we are using our time as it was meant to be used.  Sometimes the more tedious and difficult the task is the better.  After all we’re “working” not playing.

Do you take the time to do the “one thing” that Jesus speaks to Martha about?  Here’s something for you to ponder.  Taking the time every day to pray, to talk with God, to submit yourself to God, and to listen for God’s guidance and pleasure is that “one thing.”  If you are using “chores” to fill your day and convince yourself that you just don’t have the time to talk with the Lord, then the time that you are filling with your chores is as meaningless as if you spent the day with a glass of wine or a bottle of beer doing nothing.  Either way, you have avoided doing the “one thing” that is truly important; the “one thing” that is what Jesus called “the better part” of the many ways that we can fill the moments of our lives. 

Take the time every day to do the “one thing.”  Start each day with the Lord.  End each day with the Lord.  Fill each day with the presence of the Lord as He seeks to walk alongside you in all that you do.

Let us pray:  Lord God, You made us in Your image.  We give You thanks for the gifts and talents that we have received.  Keep us ever mindful of the need to live our lives with You alongside.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

Today’s readings are Ecclesiasticus 11:2-20; Revelation 9:13-21; Luke 10:38-42; Psalm 31 & 35.

Pastor Jim
