Meditation for October 2

Good Morning!

This is a wonderful day to be reminded of the words of Psalm 100:

            Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.
            Worship the Lord with gladness;
            come into his presence with singing.

Sometimes we forget about that “joyful noise.” Sometimes we take ourselves sooooo very seriously.  God loves you.  God knows everything that there is to know about you and still God loves you!  That’s a source of joy.  That’s a reason for song.

One of my favorite songs of joyful praise is by the Irish (what else?!) performer Robin Mark.  The song is taken from Isaiah 61: “Put On the Garments of Praise!”

Put on the garments of praise, for the spirit of heaviness;
Let the oil of gladness flow down from your throne!
Put on the garments of praise, for the spirit of heaviness;
Your joy is my strength alone, my strength alone!

Make these broken weary bones rise to dance again,
Wet this dry and thirsty land with a river!
Lord our eyes are fixed on you and we are waiting,
For your garland of grace as we praise your name!

Hallelujah, sing hallelujah!
We give all honor and praise to your name!
Hallelujah, sing hallelujah!
We trade our sorrows for garments of praise!

The Lord has blessed us greatly.  Give the Lord thanks and praise always.

Let us pray:  Almighty and loving God, we come before You with hearts that are filled with joy and thanks.  Forgive us when we take ourselves so seriously that we forget all that You have done for us.  Forgive us when we believe that we have done anything that is beyond Your willingness to forgive and call us back home.  In Christ’s name we pray.  Amen.

Today’s readings are Hosea 4:1-10; Acts 21:1-14; Luke 5:12-26; Psalm 97, 99, 100,
94 & 95.

As you enjoy God’s blessings this day, let your heart be filled with joy.

Pastor Jim
