A Meditation for October 11 from Pastor Karen

Good morning!

“It is about the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial before you today,” says Paul in an impassioned defense when he is brought before the high priest Ananias.

Paul’s accusers have called him a “pestilent fellow, an agitator among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of
the Nazarenes."

They accuse him of trying to profane the temple--and that is why they seized him, they say.

But Paul did not do the things he has been accused of. He tells them that he worships the same God of the Jewish people and holds sacred all that the Jewish people hold sacred. He would never profane the temple!

Paul himself is a well-educated Jewish person who had a radical conversion experience. The risen Christ appeared to Him in a great light as he was walking the road to Damascus, preparing to persecute Christians.

The apostle is oversimplifying things a bit when he says, “It is about the resurrection…that I am on trial before you today.” But he is also telling the truth.

He is on trial because he believes that Jesus the Messiah was resurrected from the dead to make a Way for our resurrection and reconciliation with God, our Heavenly Father.

Our salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ and His accomplishment for us with His suffering death on the cross. Jesus is the incarnation of God the Father—God who came to earth in the form of a humble man so that he could live and die as one of us—so that we would not have to perish in our sins.

Every day we make a choice, and it can be as simple as Paul suggests. We can choose life and belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who died on a cross for our sins. Or we can keep on trying to make ourselves good enough for God – without God’s help. And fail, over and over again.

Make that choice for life with me today, my sisters and brothers in the Lord, and you will experience His peace. Just like the first time you chose to follow Him.

Will you pray with me?

Heavenly Father, remind us of how simple your salvation is –something all the world has available to them through belief on your Son, Jesus Christ. Remind us that our reconciliation with You is not based on what we have done or what we will do today. We don’t have to be perfect because we are loved by a perfect God! Our Lord accepts and receives us just the way we are and wants to use us, flaws and all, for His righteous work on earth. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for your forgiveness and for your gifts of the Spirit that empower us to know and do your Will. Fill us afresh with your Spirit today. In Christ we pray. Amen!

Today’s readings are Micah 3:1-8; Acts 24:1-23; Luke 7:36-50; and Psalms 131 through 133.

Blessings in Christ!

Pastor Karen
