Thoughts for September 14

Good Morning!

It’s been an odd week.  And I think that part of the reason is that I allowed the Temptor to distract me with “powers and principalities,” i.e., politics.  Looking at the moral, social and economic climate in much of this country is just plain depressing.  Thinking that somehow we have the responsibility to change it all leads to a feeling of overwhelming impotence.  No political/economic system will ever lead us into the kingdom of God.  None!  Neither will political action ever lead to moral victory!  Politics by its nature isn’t meant to achieve moral behavior.

Does that mean that we as Christians shouldn’t engage in the political process?  No,
I don’t think that’s right either.  A politician once said in regard to civil rights legislation, “We can’t legislate morality!”  Truer words were never spoken – by a politician.  However, in response, a civil rights activist made this simple request: “I’d like to know that if I’m murdered for advocating civil rights at least my murder will be considered illegal!”   We can’t legislate morality.  But we can make the ultimate political decision and try to elect people who are at least concerned with protecting the helpless.

Here’s my “political” advice in the midst of this chaotic world.  Vote for candidates who care about the welfare of children – all the children of this country.  Vote for candidates who want people to live with enough food and access health care to allow them at least a baseline chance at participating in our economy.  Vote for candidates who recognize that education is the path to world eminence, not military might.  And vote for candidates that acknowledge that the distraction of charges of “welfare fraud” is not the source of our economic tailspin:  greedy investment bankers and others who have taken advantage of every possible loophole in our tax and business regulations and whose only interest is the growth of solely their personal wealth are the ones who have sold out our economy.  That last one is the least likely to surface because there is culpability all around our political system and both major parties have enabled and protected those involved.  Read the Beatitudes, and judge candidates by how their concerns align with the priorities of our Lord’s reality.

There is only one Savior.  He’s not running in this election.  He has called us to come and join Him in His world.  He’s called us to follow Him and to sacrifice the lures of this world for life in His realm.  He’s called us to stewardship of the resources and even the riches that we have accumulated.  Stewardship isn’t about accumulating more treasure here on earth or keeping for ourselves the treasure we have accumulated.  Stewardship is wisely spending our resources and our treasure to spread the news that Christ is alive and wants us to be His witnesses in this world.  He has called us beyond the concerns of this world so that we might proclaim His love and forgiveness in this world. 

Pray with me:  Lord, I give you thanks and praise for Your intercessions for this world.  Forgive us when we look to nations and governments as if they were part of Your Kingdom.  Remind us always that Your Kingdom is here, within our hearts, and that You have called us to open our hearts and share Your Kingdom with everyone.  Remind us of the cost of discipleship demanded by this world, and keep us ever mindful of the joys of Your eternal Kingdom.  Amen.

Today’s scripture readings are Job 29:1,31:24-40; Acts 15:12-21; John 11:30-44;
Psalm 40, 54 & 51.

As the Psalmist tells us this morning, the Lord will indeed put a new song in our mouths, a song of praise to the Lord. 


Pastor Jim
