Some Thoughts on September 18

Good Morning! 

Have you ever heard someone say – or perhaps you have said – my faith would be so much stronger if only God would give me a sign [or perform a miracle, or visibly intervene in human affairs]? 

In today’s Gospel reading we see the Pharisees plotting to get rid of Jesus.  In fact, after they recognized that Jesus has somehow raised Lazarus from death, they were more convinced than ever that they needed to get rid of him (murder him!) because he was clearly a threat to their authority and order.  Think about that.  They had witnessed an overwhelming sign of God’s power and felt so threatened by it that they thought that if they killed Jesus things would go back to normal.  Not only that, they even wanted to kill Lazarus because his ongoing presence was a continued testimony to the power of God: “So the chief priests planned to put Lazarus to death as well, since it was on account of him that many of the Jews were deserting and were believing in Jesus.[John 12:10-11]”

What does it take to convince a person?  And where is the logic that would lead a person to think that the power of God is present here and we need to get rid of God’s presence?  As the old preacher said: “Can I get a witness?” 

We have the witness of scriptures that testify to the power of God in the world, throughout human history and in our own lives.  I accept the declaration of scripture that Jesus lived, Jesus was rejected and murdered and in triumph from the cross faced death, died and was raised from death into new life – into a new creation – through the power of God.  That’s where Christian faith begins.  From there our faith grows forward, as we ourselves mature in the faith.  Will we struggle?  Absolutely!  Will we face doubts?  Unquestionably? 

As we struggle with applying our faith to contemporary social and political issues, as we struggle with our own mandate to speak out and live out God’s justice and righteousness in the world, we will face anxiety and fear. Sooner or later if we declare the love and justice of God the world WILL put a cross on our shoulders. 

 Do we need “a sign?”  How many signs do you need?!?  We do still have signs today.  We have the sign of God’s grace in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, through which we remember the sacrifice and the triumph of our Lord and we continually remind ourselves that His sacrifice has made us the beneficiaries of His triumph. 

Let us pray:  Almighty God we give you thanks and praise for Your presence throughout all of history.  Thank you for the gift of Your love in the life of Jesus and the new creation that broke into human history in His triumph and resurrection.  Lord make our lives a sign for others that they may see Your power in the energy and commitment that we bring to the proclamation of Your new order.  In Jesus’ name we pray.

Today’s readings are Job 40:1, 41:1-11; Acts 16:6-15; John 12:9-19; Psalm 61, 62 &

Pastor Jim
