Some Random Thoughts on September 12

Good Evening.

It’s been a difficult day for this beloved republic of ours, and I’ve had difficulty focusing on a lot of things today. These are random thoughts being issued forth from a brain fog!

Murder and chaos abroad. Allies beating the war drums to try and coerce us into another war. Televangelists preaching war and greed as a way to hasten Armageddon. Political opportunism and just plain silliness in the campaign follies.

Where will we be if we achieve the destruction of life as we know it on this planet before the return of our Lord?

Neal Miller, psychologist and human ecologist, once commented that there was something possibly much worse than human extinction. Dr. Miller was more afraid that humans might evolve into creatures that we wouldn’t recognize.

Randy Newman wrote a song more than 40 years ago called “Political Science.” It was meant as a work of satire. Some of the words are:

“Boom goes London and boom Paris [pronounce “Paree”]
More room for you and more room for me
And every city the whole world round
Will just be another American town
Oh, how peaceful it will be
We'll set everybody free

“They all hate us anyhow
So let's drop the big one now
Let's drop the big one now.”

These days I think it may be part of the platform of one or the other of our major political parties. Irony is lost on them.

The man who wrote all the words for the songs in “The Wizard of Oz,” Edgar Yipsel (“Yip”) Harburg also wrote this little poem.

God made the world in six days flat,
On the seventh, He said, "I'll rest,"
So He let the thing into orbit swing,
To give it a dry-run test.
A billion years went by, then He
Took a look at the whirling blob;
His spirits fell, as He shrugged, "Ah well,
It was only a six-day job."

Prayer: Lord we are lost without You. Remind us that we belong to You. Remind us that You have placed us in this world to testify to Your love and plan for humanity. Keep us from useless cynicism. Strengthen us that we might be worthy servants of You, hoping Your victory continues in a world gone mad. As we fall and lose commitment, fill us with power and perseverance so that we may run the race and come at last to the fullness of Your kingdom. In Christ’s name, He who was obedient even to a cross, we pray. Amen.


Pastor Jim
