Pastor Karen's post for Friday, September 28

Here is Pastor Karen's devotion today:

Good morning!

Paul, without meaning to, stirs a riot in Ephesus in our Acts reading today.

The message of Christ crucified and salvation through Him—and no other—is threatening to businessmen who are losing customers. More and more people in Ephesus are listening to Paul and following Christ instead of worshiping the goddess Artemis. Idolatry brings plenty of money for the silversmith Demetrius and to the artisans of the city because Artemis needs to be worshiped with a silver shrine.

So Demetrius makes a speech that infuriates the people. He says that those who are being persuaded by Paul to follow Christ are scorning the great goddess. Artemis, like all other false gods of this world, has to be appeased and exalted because she is credited with the prosperity and hardships of its people.

Paul wants to go into the streets and talk to the people who are rioting, but his friends hold him back, fearing he will be killed.

Then someone else steps forward to quiet the crowd and reason with them – a government official. And God uses this man to protect Paul and bring order to chaos, though this man is not a believer.

God still uses many people to accomplish His purposes these days, even people who are not Christians. The opposite also happens. Christians do let us down from time to time and lead us astray. We are human and not perfect.

So what is the answer? Who can we rely on when people are so unpredictable? Who can we trust?

Of course. God. And He sent His Son so we would be reconciled with Him and trust in Him. He beckons us to come and seek Him so He can fill us and give us His spiritual gifts that we need every day, gifts such as wisdom, patience, and love.

Don’t rely too much on the wisdom of human beings, even those who are your friends and family. Remember there is only one God – and only one who knows all the answers and is in control.

And don’t put limits on Him, believing that He can only work through people who are our friends and only through “good” experiences. God uses all things and all people to ultimately bring about His plan for salvation. God’s Will will be done!

Don’t forget the Lord today. He hasn’t forgotten you! He has plans for your future and knows what path He wants you to take.

Your path is different than the paths of others. You are special and God has created you this way for a reason—to use you to build His kingdom.

Seek Him with confidence today.

Will you pray with me now?

Holy God, we thank you that you are in control of our lives and that you know the right way for each of us to go. Thank you for being the One we can always trust. Lead us to paths of righteousness, Lord. Bring us wisdom and joy for every day and love for human beings, even those who may be hard to love. Give us patience for ourselves and others, and help us to forgive when people let us down. Remind us of your goodness and presence in our world. Lead us to give thanks for your love and provision for us by using all people and all things to accomplish your purposes. Move us to gratefulness for what you have done through the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, so we would be forgiven and receive eternal life. In His name we pray. Amen.

Today’s readings are Esther 8:1-8,15-17; Acts 19:21-41; Luke 4:31-37; and Psalm 88.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Karen
