Pastor Karen's Meditation for Monday August 20

Here is Pastor Karen's devotion from the Ebenezer page today:

Good afternoon!

Our outdoor worship service yesterday was such a blessing! Thank you, again, to those who worked to set up and take down--Greg Dikken, Jeff Dikken, Jeff Bakker, Tim Beekman and all the others. And thank you to our liturgist, Deb Hinderks, who always "goes with the flow" and to Laurel Dikken who stood and played a keyboard set up on the grass instead of being more comfortable playing the organ in our sanctuary.

The change in venue meant that we had to do some things differently. Sometimes, this was challenging. This was our first outdoor worship since I have come to be the pastor a year ago and Ebenezer's first outdoor worship service in many years.

Our sound system was one stationery microphone and an amplifier, instead of my wireless earpiece that allows me to move about. The outdoors was a beautiful sanctuary, but it didn’t have the same acoustics. It may have been difficult for some people to hear. I hope not!

And we had one stationery podium, instead of two, so the liturgist and I had to share the same space. This meant that I couldn’t leave my notes on the podium throughout the service. I had to take my paperwork with me when it was her turn to read or pray—and be very careful that I wasn’t mixing up my pages.

But the one thing I did not consider when planning this service was that there was no particular sanctuary “exit” – so there was no place for me to stand and shake hands with people as they left worship. I missed this very much as this is an opportunity for pastoral care. It is my chance to check in with people and find out how they are doing. It is a time when I give and receive hugs and encourage those who may be struggling.

It is a time when I say the name of every person I greet—to reaffirm to them that I care about them personally, just as the Lord cares about each one of us. And calls us by our names!

We need to bear this in mind when we read the John scripture for today that speaks of Christ’s judgment of human beings, an authority given to him by God. There are warnings about what will happen on judgment day—how some will be rewarded while others will be condemned:

“Do not be astonished at this; for the hour is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and will come out—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.”

Remember that God’s love for us and forgiveness in Jesus Christ is the most important message you can take with you when you leave church on Sunday morning!

That’s what your pastor is really saying to you when he or she shakes your hand, gives you a hug, and joyfully greets you by name.

We are saying,

“God loves you and has forgiven you in Jesus Christ!”

There is no fear of condemnation when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is the “good” that you have done—your faith in His work for you on the cross—that will lead to your resurrection and eternal life with Him.

God be with you today!

God be with you, always!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace that lovingly forgives us of our sins, though we have done nothing to earn it. Build up our faith so we never fear that we will be condemned on Judgment Day. Jesus Christ has taken our punishment for us. He suffered and died in our place. He has done the work so we are free to live in joy and peace, being assured of our salvation that can never be taken away! Help us to live in the confidence of forgiven people, showing love and forgiveness to others. In Christ we pray. Amen.

Today’s readings are Judges 17:1-13; Acts 7:44-8:1a; John 5:19-29; and Psalm 106:1-18.

Blessings in Christ!

Pastor Karen
