Meditation for July 6

My computer is going to the hospital today.  Here's Pastor Karen's post from the Ebemezer page this morning.

Good morning!

“Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s. Give to God the things that are God’s.”

This was Jesus’ answer in the gospel of Matthew to the Pharisees’ question about paying taxes to the emperor. They were trying to trick him into saying something that would be cause to arrest Jesus and get rid of him, once and for all. If Jesus spoke against paying the exorbitant taxes to the emperor, then he would be guilty of treason. And the Pharisees knew Jesus would never place obeying the emperor above obeying God.

Christ’s answer amazed everyone because the Lord did not compromise His faith; nor did he commit treason. It wasn’t his time yet to be arrested and taken to the cross for crimes against the state—for reportedly calling himself “king of the Jews.”

Jesus wasn’t the typical radical of his time. He wasn’t trying to overthrow the government and place himself in leadership over a nation or empire or even village. He spoke of a heavenly Kingdom where God’s justice would be done. He wasn’t trying to fix the corrupt governments of this world. But he did reach out to the hearts of the corrupt officials—such as Matthew, the tax collector—and offer them the truth that set them free from their sins.

When we are frustrated with the nastiness of politics in America and all the trash talk, we can look to Jesus’ example. He didn’t try to change the government of his time. He knew that the root of sin is in the heart. He reached out to individuals and tried to make lasting change, one person at a time. This is what He calls us to do.

God cares about our hearts. Sin isn’t just what we do—our behaviors. It is how we think and feel. Holding grudges against people. Being greedy or jealous. Refusing to place God first in your life—and loving the things of this world more than the things of God. All of these are sin.

So render to Caesar what is Caesar’s—pay your obligations to the state. But give to God what is the Lord’s—your heart, your soul, your life.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we give you honor and glory and praise! Keep our eyes on You and our hearts pure and undefiled. Remove from us any bad attitudes or habits—anything that would get in the way of doing Your will and pleasing You. Keep us on the path of righteousness for Your sake. Forgive us when we have strayed and given our hearts to the things of this world. Strengthen each one of us to take up Christ’s cross and follow Him. In His name we pray. Amen.

Today’s readings are Numbers 24:1-13; Romans 8:12-17; Matthew 22:15-22; and Psalm 140, 142.

Blessings in Christ!

Pastor Karen
