Meditation for July 17, 2012 "Use it or lose it!"

Good Morning.  Have you thought about where you have come close to God’s will today?  Have you thought about the things that you don’t want to share with God?  Have you thought about your own peace of mind at either of those times?

As we said yesterday, the 25th chapter of Matthew is about how we wait for the Lord.  It’s not like waiting for a bus or a train.  The Lord has clearly instructed us to do some things while waiting.  Today’s reading is the second parable in that chapter.  It’s the story of the man who left certain sums of money in the hands of his servants while he went away, just as Jesus has given us many gifts and treasures to be put to good use while we await His return. 

At the end of the story Jesus says, “For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.”  Is Jesus cursing the poor?  No!  He is talking about what the servants have produced with their gifts.  Those who have not produced anything, like the servant in the parable who buried his gift, will no longer be trusted with anything.  Those who have used the master’s gifts productively will be entrusted with even more gifts to put to use for the glory of their master.

As the saying goes: “Use it or lose it!”  God has entrusted each of us with gifts that are sufficient to allow us to increase God’s glory.  We may use those gifts to increase the presence of God’s kingdom here among us, even if only a little bit, or we may hide those gifts and allow them to fall into disuse, contributing nothing to the spread of God’s kingdom and glory.  The choice is ours.  The more we use those gifts the more they grow, like muscles!  What’s clear in this chapter is that we are expected to do something while we wait.  We are expected to use our gifts gratefully for the expansion of the kingdom; to exercise justice and mercy in all our dealings so that our acts reflect the very gifts that we have all been given by God.

Prayer:  Almighty God grant us the courage, the wisdom and the strength to live our lives to Your glory, using the gifts You have given to us for the increase of Your merciful kingdom here among us.  Forgive us when we hide the very talents You have given us.  In Christ’s name and or His sake we pray.  Amen.

Today’s readings are Joshua 2:15-24; Romans 11:13-24; Matthew 25:14-30; Psalm 26, 28, 36 & 39.

“How precious is your steadfast love, O God! All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights. For with you is the fountain of life;
in your light we see light.” [From Psalm 36]


Pastor Jim
