Karen's Devotion and Update

Good morning!

We slept better last night, James and me, knowing that my brother Steve is on the mend. No longer in Critical Care, he is beginning to stand and walk with a walker (with assistance) and spend most of the day sitting in the recliner, instead of lying in bed. Last night when we left him at the hospital in Topeka, he had eaten a dinner of half a chicken salad sandwich and some chicken soup. He still has the chest tube and still has pain from those 12 broken ribs, punctured lung, and broken shoulder. But his condition—body, mind and spirit—has greatly improved.

Yesterday morning—just 24 hours ago—he was feeling poorly. Mornings may be the hardest time for him. He didn’t want to eat and the pain was getting him down. But then he had some visitors in the afternoon—two friends who also like to ride motorcycles—and someone from his real estate office who is working extra hard, being Steve’s arms and legs so he can continue serving his clients while he is recovering from his accident.

Was that already a week ago? Yes—it was last Sunday June 24.

Steve became more like his old, good-natured self when he was able to work and talk about the things he likes to do. It never ceases to amaze me how each of us has unique gifts and talents from the Lord and that we have such different personalities and interests! But we have something in common: we are all loved by a God who didn’t just create us and then stand back to watch. Our God has stayed with us, working for our best interests, sending us first Jesus Christ His Son, whom He raised from the dead for our sakes, and then His Spirit that comforts, guides, empowers, and heals!

We are so grateful that the Lord is healing Steve not just physically but emotionally and spiritually, just as He is bringing all of us to wholeness as He reconciles the world to Himself. God doesn’t always choose to heal our mortal bodies in this world, but He does promise to heal us spiritually. And that we will be with Him someday—completely whole and recreated in His image.

God promises us that Jesus is coming again, our Messiah, to usher in a new heaven and a new earth that is righteous and just. Where all are healed and love is the rule—never the exception. Love will inform all thoughts and behaviors like we cannot imagine. Because in this world, greed and selfishness is too often the motivation for what people say and do—unless the Spirit rules in their hearts and guides them in His Will.

In our gospel reading today, the Pharisees are angry with Christ for healing a woman in the synagogue on the Sabbath. They are jealous and afraid of Jesus, the one who is attracting so much attention and so many followers. They really don’t care about the welfare of the people. They are concerned about their own power, status and welfare. All the Pharisees’ book knowledge of Scripture has not penetrated their cold hearts.

“The Lord answers them, saying, ‘You hypocrites! Does not each of you on the sabbath untie his ox or his donkey from the manger, and lead it away to give it water? And ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound for eighteen long years, be set free from this bondage on the sabbath day?’”

The common people understand what the Pharisees fail to see—that the most important thing in life is not being “right” according to “law.” No, it is far better to have a heart of compassion and to serve God by what we say and do. Being “right” is not what matters. Being in God’s Will and living a life of love and forgiveness is what God requires.

Our Luke passage concludes, “When he said this, all his opponents were put to shame; and the entire crowd was rejoicing at all the wonderful things that he was doing.”

Let us rejoice at all the wonderful things that God is doing in our hearts and lives!

Will you pray with me?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for being our only God, the one True God, the one who not only creates, but heals and helps us throughout this life—and in the life to come. Thank you for our healing faith in our Messiah that conquers darkness and fear! Thank you that we can trust you to provide for us and stay with us throughout the difficult times. We praise you for your power and glory! How excellent is Your name in all the earth! Forgive us for our doubts and anxieties, as we forgive others for their sins against us. Thank you for your continued healing presence in Steve’s life and for bringing Your peace to us. Give us the strength and courage we need to continue to serve you each day. In Christ we pray. Amen!

Today’s readings are Numbers 21:4-9,21-35; Acts 17:12-34; Luke 13:10-17; and Psalm 118.

Blessings in Christ!

Pastor Karen
