Thought for Today From Pastor Karen

Here is Pastor Karen's post from the Ebenezer site today:

Good morning!

Has anyone faith the size of a mustard seed? That’s all that is needed to move mountains! This is what Jesus says in our Matthew reading today.

The disciples are the one who lack the faith. Jesus’ comparison to the mustard seed is to show just how much they are lacking. The mustard seed, still a small seed today, was the very smallest in Christ’s time and culture. So He made His point well. Here were the ones whom He had called to follow Him and had seen His miracles in person; yet they still didn’t have faith enough to heal in His name, as He told them to do.

What about our faith? We who are called to follow Him struggle with faith, too. Yesterday, we suffered a loss in our church family. Our friend Mildred Bruns passed away in her home. My response was, “But Lord, how can this be Your time?!” I had just visited Millie, a kind and patient woman, on Friday in her home on her family’s dairy farm. She seemed tired, but well enough. She certainly was hopeful and looking forward to her grandson’s recovery from his surgery in children’s hospital.

But Sunday was her time. It must have been, or else she would not have died. Our God is in charge of the heavens and the earth that He created. Only He knows the number of our days.

The shock of sudden death is very difficult for family and friends, who loved Millie so much. A blow like this can shake one’s faith. How can a loving God allow death at all? Why doesn’t He heal everyone when they are sick? Doesn’t He want our healing?

And we won’t know the answer to that question during our lives here. Still, we believe God is good and that God knows what we don’t know. He has a plan we don’t understand. He has planned life. He has planned death—and rebirth. He knows there is another place that Jesus went to prepare for us—a forever home, where we will be free from suffering and pain and where we will be with our loving Lord, face to face. Then, we will know.

God released Millie from her pain. She had been struggling with health problems. It was her time to go, though we wanted to hold onto her forever.

Let us trust the One who loves us like no human being ever could. The One who is with us through all suffering and pain.

Prayer: Lord, forgive us when we lack the faith the size of a tiny mustard seed—all that we would need to move a mountain. Grant us more faith. We pray for the family and friends of Mildred Bruns. Comfort them in their pain. Heal their brokenness. Use this sad time to build their faith and draw them closer to You. Give them the strength they need to get through the next few awful days, when the realization of their loss truly sets in—and they know that their beloved Millie—mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, and friend—will not be able to give us hugs, make us smile, feed us her cookies, or even be present with us in this world anymore. We thank you for her life and her love, Lord. We thank you for her faith. We thank you for your grace that forgives the sins of the world and assures us everlasting life through faith in Your Son, Jesus Christ. In His name we pray. Amen.

Today’s readings are Numbers 9:15-23, 10:29-36; Romans 1:1-15; Matthew 17:14-21; and Psalm 80.

Blessings in Christ!

Pastor Karen
