Pastor Karen's Reflection for Today

This is Pastor Karen's reflection for today. 

Good morning!
The rain is falling softly as I write this. We needed the rain, but still, I miss the sun. Perhaps we appreciate the sunshine even more on rainy days as we anticipate the clouds moving off. And certainly we appreciate the rain more when we go through dry periods.

Love and grief is something like that. When we lose loved ones, the loss is felt deeply because we are accustomed to their love and their presence in our lives. We appreciate the love we have for someone even more when we no longer have that person with us. That is when we say, “love hurts.”

But we cannot allow the pain of loss to keep us from loving again! Love is what God calls us to do; it is the whole message of Christianity. Love is the Good News! He loved us and sent His Son to die for us, before we even knew about Him. God grieved for love—grieved for the pain and suffering of His perfectly obedient Son, but grieved even more at the thought of the world being separated from Him eternally because of our sin and inability to save ourselves.

In Christ, our grief and sorrow turns to joy as He reunites us with our Creator and reconciles us with one another. His death paid the price for all sin and His resurrection has shown us His triumph over death. We will share in that triumph someday.

Death is not the end for us. We have the promise of resurrection with Him. We have the hope of everlasting life in the Kingdom.

Today, give thanks to God for the loved ones in your life. Don’t be afraid to love freely, without fear of loss or a broken heart.

It is what God calls to do—love.

Prayer: Holy God, we cannot imagine the wonderful love you have for us. It is far more wonderful than human love we have experienced. Thank you for your love for us, a love so great that you were willing to give up your perfect Son for our sakes. Thank you for the cross and for taking our sin and shame away. Thank you for your forgiveness and the promise of everlasting life with You! Let us feel your presence with us today as we set our hearts and minds on living as you call us to live—living to love. In Christ we pray. Amen.

Today’s readings are Numbers 11:24-35; Romans 1:28-2:11; Matthew 18:1-9; and Psalm 119:97-120.

Blessings in Christ!

Pastor Karen
