Karen's Meditation for Monday Morning

Good morning!

“What good deed must I do to have eternal life?” a young man asks Jesus.

“Keep my Father's commandments,” Jesus says.

“But I have done that!” says the man.

“Then, if you wish to be perfect, sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor,” answers Jesus. “And you will have treasure in heaven. Then, come follow me.”

In today’s gospel reading in Matthew, the young man cannot bring himself to do what Jesus asks. For he has many possessions. He departs from the Lord, grieving, knowing he is giving up heaven because he doesn’t want to be separated from his wealth and his status as a rich man.

Freeing ourselves from the attachment to money and things is a repeated theme throughout the New Testament. To be a follower of Jesus, one has to be ready to give up everything—even one’s own life. “Take up your cross and follow me,” Jesus says.

How do we apply today’s gospel to our 21st century lives?

An attitude of gratitude is needed, no matter the time and place in which we live. If we can understand that all our possessions—our money, homes, boats, RVs, farms, businesses, cars, trucks, farm machinery, clothes and so on—are gifts from God to be used to grow His Kingdom, then we can realize that we did not “earn” them, no matter how hard we may have worked in order to buy them.

And we cannot boast of what we have or what we have accomplished, unless we are giving all the credit to our amazing Lord.

God gave us our things for a reason. Ask Him what that reason may be!

Being a Christian means we have to fight against the world’s values. Watch TV 10 minutes and you will learn that in this world whoever accumulates the most things (and looks the best) “wins.”

What do you “win” if you gain the whole world—but lose your soul?

While summer vacations may be very restorative, physically and emotionally, please make sure that all the things you have (including your vacation time) are not taking the place of your worship and service to the Lord. We are called to worship Him every day of our lives—not just on Sunday morning. Not just during the school year—but all year round.

God never takes a vacation from us. He knows we need Him 24-7. When it comes to us, He never rests. Aren’t you glad that He is so faithful—that He is always there when we need Him and even when we forget we need Him?

Today, take time to remember what God has done for you. You have the promise of eternal life and reconciliation with God. That’s a treasure in heaven that is worth more than every thing in this world.

Remember to give Him thanks and you will be blessed with His peace.

Share your testimony with a friend or neighbor today—and you will be blessed with His joy.

Prayer: Gracious God, we are grateful, so grateful, for what you have done for us in Jesus Christ! Thank you for loving us, forgiving us and always being there for us, 24/7, even when we forget to give you praise. Teach us to number our days and make every moment count. Keep us from obsessing over things in this world—our jobs, our farms, our vacation homes, our money and investments, and the list goes on. Keep our eyes upon Jesus and our hearts filled with love and compassion for those who have so little and need so much. Stir us to give generously and cheerfully, as you have given to us! In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Today’s readings are Numbers 16:1-19; Romans 3:21-31; Matthew 19:13-22.

Blessings in Christ!

Pastor Karen
